Sts. Peter and Paul Academy follows the Archdiocesan Graded Course of Study (GCS), which is designed to drive the instructional programs at all Catholic elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The GCS portrays standards of what all students are expected to know and be able to do by the time they leave their current grade. All Catholic elementary schools are asked to follow the GCS, and demonstrate their compliance with the GCS as they receive their accreditation from the Ohio Catholic Schools Accreditation Association (OCSAA).
The GCS is organized by subject area for Preschool through Eighth Grade. The GCS incorporates emerging and best practice research about teaching and learning to ensure that our instructional programs are superior. In addition to the latest instructional standards, the GCS is infused with Catholic identity that is interwoven at each grade level in all content areas. The GCS also has provisions for teaching students with special needs, accelerated programs, incorporating technology into instruction, and cross-curricular integration.
The GCS is revised by subject area based upon a rotating cycle. Each school year, a subject area is designated for revision. A committee of teachers, principals, researchers, and university professors works with the Archdiocesan Director of Curriculum and Assessment to revise the standards. Ohio’s learning standards are incorporated to intensify student learning and provide more depth in key areas. It is important to note that the GCS is meant to guide instruction. Teachers and principals are free to design their specific instructional programs, including the sequence of topics, supporting textbooks/materials, teaching strategies, etc.